In 2010, we decided to break ranks. Throwing caution to the wind and starting all over again. More than anything, taking a sideways step and looking at the world from a fresh perspective! Not just because it sounds nice on paper, or for the sake of it, or even to make some bold gesture… We did it to open up fresh horizons and offer you new places to express yourself. The practical and the theory hand-in-hand, that’s our vision of what we do.
Through this simple sideways step, we’ve given ourselves the opportunity to come at things from different angles, integrating different roles and creating a hybrid of expertise. Corporate vs consumer? Too simple! Why not creative corporate strategies backed up with enlightening consumer approaches instead. Creating noise to stand out from the crowd? A delicate but magnificent balance! Investing on the ground for even greater resonance? Ambitious, but heroic! Launching a new national brand solely through digital influence? Risky, but a royal success! We embrace what makes our blended nature, our identity, our rough-and-readiness! We were born out of the challenge of meeting your needs and your clients’ new ways of working. Some lineage! We’re one, we’re all