
In 2010, we decided to break ranks. Throwing caution to the wind and starting all over again. More than anything, taking a sideways step and looking at the world from a fresh perspective! Not just because it sounds nice on paper, or for the sake of it, or even to make some bold gesture… We did it to open up fresh horizons and offer you new places to express yourself. The practical and the theory hand-in-hand, that’s our vision of what we do.

Through this simple sideways step, we’ve given ourselves the opportunity to come at things from different angles, integrating different roles and creating a hybrid of expertise. Corporate vs consumer? Too simple! Why not creative corporate strategies backed up with enlightening consumer approaches instead. Creating noise to stand out from the crowd? A delicate but magnificent balance! Investing on the ground for even greater resonance? Ambitious, but heroic! Launching a new national brand solely through digital influence? Risky, but a royal success! We embrace what makes our blended nature, our identity, our rough-and-readiness! We were born out of the challenge of meeting your needs and your clients’ new ways of working. Some lineage! We’re one, we’re all

Key figures

When you go to Marie-Antoinette, it’s not by chance…
We assume what makes our mixed nature, our identity, our convictions!

At Marie-Antoinette, our talents are our first ambassadors.
Therefore we like atypical and hybrid profiles,
but above all with an entrepreneurial soul, who want to go all out!

If you want to join the #Guilloteam, you will join a sincere
and united team, 100% committed, invested and caring.
If you share the same values and this business project speaks to you then join us or come and have a coffee!


1. A virtuous character who prevails by his frankness, uprightness, open-mindedness and loyalty.

2. According to Marie-Antoinette, this attitude is essential for maintaining benevolent relationships built around fairer and more ethical values.


At Marie-Antoinette, we are convinced of the benefits of a public salary scale,
to ensure fairness to all our future talents.
This is why we have chosen to communicate what we believe to be the right salary level for each of our professions.

Internally, our salary scale provides a framework for the remuneration policy and ensures goodwill throughout the #Guilloteam.

Remuneration at Marie-Antoinette is therefore based on several criteria :


Une base de salaire fixe

fixe basé sur les pratiques du marché selon les métiers et les niveaux : du consultant junior au directeur de clientèle en passant par confirmé ou encore senior


Un forfait télétravail


Une rémunération variable

via l'intéressement basé sur les résultats de l’Agence



Ancienneté : il s'agit d'un bonus valorisant la fidélité via l’ancienneté chez Marie-Antoinette
Enfant à charge : nous considérons qu’en tant qu’entreprise, nous avons une responsabilité sociale. La solidarité fait partie de nos valeurs et il nous semble important d’aider nos employé·e·s parents
La localisation géographique : Paris / Province


Céline Angelini
Agency Co-Chair
Founder & Agency Director
Marie‑Antoinette PR
Why Marie-Antoinette? Imagine what could have been if she’d just taken a step to the side at the right moment…We’re ambitious for our clients. We guarantee the relevance and resonance of what they say, taking them places they never dreamed of. The brands we work with understand. To stand out from the crowd, you have to open yourself up to new horizons! And though it takes guts to step off the beaten track, the results quickly outstrip any misgivings. That’s the vision I’ve been sharing with our clients, partners and colleagues since 2010, and it’s what keeps us growing.
Axel Debeury
Agency Co-Chair
Founder & Super Héraut Director

I founded Super Héraut back in 2012. The perfect time to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure, just before the end of the world, as predicted by the Mayans. Alas, in the end, the apocalypse didn’t materialise, but I decided to continue on my little adventure anyway, sharing my vision and beliefs of what an event should be. I’m driven by ideas. The strength of ideas. Those that impact, affect, radiate, resonate and leave a lasting mark in our minds. I quickly realised the opportunities available to me through a career communicating would be the most stimulating. With a degree in my back pocket and fresh from a round-the-world trip sharpening my interest in what’s out there, I naturally gravitated towards a career that would bring people together and unite them: big events. With my first job seeing me join the ranks of a brand-new consumer events department at the agency DDB Live, part of the DDB Group, I cut my teeth on accounts such as Philips, LG, Action Contre la Faim, Fondation de France, as well as JCDecaux. Five years on, I embarked on another adventure with an independent and creative agency, Rouge, where I headed the events department, a role that won me over for life. Over the course of my four years there, I supported clients like Microsoft, Whirlpool, Levi’s, Orange, Nespresso and PMU.

Alvina Tissandier
Directrice du développement
Élodie Balsamo
Directrice du pôle Corporate